Login Instructions for SafeSchools Training
We are pleased to offer a new way of delivering the safety training that you’re required to complete each year. Using the SafeSchools Training system, you'll be able to complete your training via the Internet at your convenience - even from the comfort of your own home!
How to log on to the SafeSchools Online Training Program:
If you have any questions or problems with the site, please contact:
GECS 810-396-1100 or [email protected]
How to log on to the SafeSchools Online Training Program:
- Using your web browser, go to the web page http://gecs-inc.mi.safeschools.com (No “www” is necessary.)
- To access your assigned training, you will need to enter your GECS username. The GECS user name is your six digit employee ID number.
- Your assigned course or courses will be listed on your personal SafeSchools Training home page under “Mandatory Training.”
- Select any course by simply clicking on the name of the course. The courses have audio so turn up your speakers if you wish to hear the narration. Complete all the training scenarios and the assessment to receive completion credit for the course. You will have the option to print out a Certification of Completion once you successfully complete the course.
If you have any questions or problems with the site, please contact:
GECS 810-396-1100 or [email protected]